Non parametric forecasting techniques for mixing chaotic time series
Guegan, Dominique ; Mercier, L.
HAL, halshs-00199145 / Harvested from HAL
Represents the thematically organized & edited collection of invited lectures & selected contributions presented at the First European Conference on Signal Analysis & Prediction, held in Prague, Czech Republic, June 1997.
Publié le : 1998-07-05
Classification:  Non parametric forecasting techniques,  mixing chaotic time series,  [SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economies and finances,  [MATH.MATH-PR]Mathematics [math]/Probability [math.PR],  [MATH.MATH-ST]Mathematics [math]/Statistics [math.ST],  [MATH.MATH-DS]Mathematics [math]/Dynamical Systems [math.DS]
     author = {Guegan, Dominique and Mercier, L.},
     title = {Non parametric forecasting techniques for mixing chaotic time series},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1998},
     number = {0},
     year = {1998},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Guegan, Dominique; Mercier, L. Non parametric forecasting techniques for mixing chaotic time series. HAL, Tome 1998 (1998) no. 0, .