Growth and oscillation related to a second order linear differential equation
Belaϊdi, Benharrat
Mathematical Communications, Tome 18 (2013) no. 1, p. 171-184 / Harvested from Mathematical Communications
This paper is devoted to studying the growth and the oscillation ofsolutions of the second order non-homogeneous linear differential equation\begin{equation*}f^{\prime \prime }+A_{1}\left( z\right) e^{P\left( z\right) }f^{\prime}+A_{0}\left( z\right) e^{Q\left( z\right) }f=F,\end{equation*}%where $P\left( z\right)$, $Q\left( z\right) $ are nonconstantpolynomials such that $\deg P=\deg Q=n$ and $A_{j}\left( z\right) $\linebreak $\left( \not\equiv 0\right) $ $(j=0,1),$ $F\left( z\right) $ areentire functions with $\max \{\rho \left( A_{j}\right) :j=0,1\}<n$. We alsoinvestigate the relationship between small functions and differentialpolynomials $g_{f}\left( z\right) \linebreak =d_{2}f^{\prime \prime }+d_{1}f^{\prime}+d_{0}f$, where $d_{0}\left( z\right) ,d_{1}\left( z\right) ,d_{2}\left(z\right) $ are entire functions such that at least one of $d_{0},d_{1},d_{2}$%\ does not vanish identically with $\rho \left( d_{j}\right) <n$% $\left( j=0,1,2\right) $ generated by solutions of the aboveequation.
Publié le : 2013-05-04
     author = {Belaidi, Benharrat},
     title = {Growth and oscillation related to a second order linear differential equation},
     journal = {Mathematical Communications},
     volume = {18},
     number = {1},
     year = {2013},
     pages = { 171-184},
     language = {eng},
     url = {}
Belaϊdi, Benharrat. Growth and oscillation related to a second order linear differential equation. Mathematical Communications, Tome 18 (2013) no. 1, pp.  171-184.