Coverings of singular curves over finite fields
Aubry, Yves ; Perret, Marc
HAL, hal-00976489 / Harvested from HAL
We prove that if $f : Y\longrightarrow X$ is a finite fiat morphism between two reduced absolutely irreducible algebraic projective curves defined over the finite field ${\sb F}_q$, then $$\mid \sharp Y({\sb F}_q) - \sharp X({\sb F}_q)\mid \leq 2({\pi}_Y - {\pi}_X)\sqrt q,$$ where $\pi_C$ is the arithmetic genus of a curve $C$. As application, we give some character sum estimation on singular curves.
Publié le : 1995-07-04
Classification:  [MATH.MATH-AG]Mathematics [math]/Algebraic Geometry [math.AG]
     author = {Aubry, Yves and Perret, Marc},
     title = {Coverings of singular curves over finite fields},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1995},
     number = {0},
     year = {1995},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Aubry, Yves; Perret, Marc. Coverings of singular curves over finite fields. HAL, Tome 1995 (1995) no. 0, .