Projectively flat surfaces and Bogomolov's theorem on class VII_0 - surfaces
Teleman, Andrei
HAL, hal-00881780 / Harvested from HAL
We give a complete proof of Bogomolov's theorem on class VII0 surfaces starting with the idea of Li, Yau and Zheng to use Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence. We show that, because of the non-topological character of Gauduchon's degree, the proof of these authors is not complete. We prove that any projectively flat hermitian surface is locally conformally flat-Kähler, which reduces the problem to the classification of locally conformally flat-Kähler surfaces.
Publié le : 1994-04-05
Classification:  complex surface,  class VII,  Hermite-Einstein,  Kobayashi-Hitchin,  Hitchin-Kobayashi,  32J15, 32Q55, 14J80,  [MATH.MATH-DG]Mathematics [math]/Differential Geometry [math.DG],  [MATH.MATH-CV]Mathematics [math]/Complex Variables [math.CV]
     author = {Teleman, Andrei},
     title = {Projectively flat surfaces and Bogomolov's theorem on class VII\_0 - surfaces},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1994},
     number = {0},
     year = {1994},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Teleman, Andrei. Projectively flat surfaces and Bogomolov's theorem on class VII_0 - surfaces. HAL, Tome 1994 (1994) no. 0, .