Symmetries and conserved quantities for minimal surfaces
Romon, Pascal
HAL, hal-00868001 / Harvested from HAL
We describe here a general method for finding symmetries of minimal surfaces in R^3, namely transformations sending a minimal immersion to another minimal immersion. More specifically we will be looking for infinitesimal symmetries, i.e. vector fields tangent to a Lie group acting on the set of minimal surfaces. Using Nœther's theorem, we derive conserved quantities, i.e. cohomology classes on H_1, that permit us to write so called balancing formulas. Some examples of applications of such balancing formulas are quoted below. Others may be found in [6].
Publié le : 1997-07-05
Classification:  Noether theorem,  flux,  torque,  minimal and constant mean surfaces,  jet theory,  MSC 53A55, 58A20, 35B06,  [MATH.MATH-DG]Mathematics [math]/Differential Geometry [math.DG]
     author = {Romon, Pascal},
     title = {Symmetries and conserved quantities for minimal surfaces},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1997},
     number = {0},
     year = {1997},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Romon, Pascal. Symmetries and conserved quantities for minimal surfaces. HAL, Tome 1997 (1997) no. 0, .