Continuité d'une action d'un semilattis compact
Bouziad, Ahmed
HAL, hal-00374842 / Harvested from HAL
A net $(s_j)_{j\in J}$ on a compact semilattice is dominated (by a net $(v_j)_{j\in J}$) if it converges, if $\lim s_j=\lim v_j$ and for all $k$ there exists $m$ such that for all $j\geq m$, $s_j\leq v_k$. Now $S$ is said to have property $\scr P$ if every net in $S$ has a dominated subnet. Theorem. If $S$ has property $\scr P$ then every separately continuous action of $S$ on a compact Hausdorff space is jointly continuous. (The proof is based on a theorem of Lawson on joint continuity.) The author describes various classes of compact semilattices which have property $\scr P$. It suffices, e.g., that every point of $S$ have arbitrarily small $\bigvee$-complete neighborhoods. A compact topological lattice has this property if its opposite lattice is a Lawson semilattice. If $S$ is a compact topological semilattice and indeed a lattice in which the interval topology is Hausdorff then $S$ has property $\scr P$. ( K. H. Hofmann)
Publié le : 1992-07-05
Classification:  action,  semillatis,  compact,  06A12 ;06F30;22A15; 54H12,  [MATH.MATH-GN]Mathematics [math]/General Topology [math.GN]
     author = {Bouziad, Ahmed},
     title = {Continuit\'e d'une action d'un semilattis compact},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1992},
     number = {0},
     year = {1992},
     language = {fr},
     url = {}
Bouziad, Ahmed. Continuité d'une action d'un semilattis compact. HAL, Tome 1992 (1992) no. 0, .