Borel measures in consonant spaces
Bouziad, Ahmed
HAL, hal-00373429 / Harvested from HAL
A topology T on a set X is called consonant if the Scott topology of the lattice T is compactly generated; equivalently, if the upper Kuratowski topology and the co-compact topology on closed sets of X coincide. It is proved that every completely regular consonant space is a Prohorov space, and that every first countable regular consonant space is hereditarily Baire. If X is metrizable separable and co-analytic, then X is consonant if and only if X is Polish. Finally, we prove that every pseudocompact topological group which is consonant is compact. Several problems of Dolecki, Greco and Lechicki, of Nogura and Shakmatov, are solved.
Publié le : 1996-07-05
Classification:  Scott topology,  Upper Kuratowski topology,  Consonant space,  Prohorov space,  Radon measure,  Pseudocompact group,  54B20; 54D50; 22A05; 28A51,  [MATH.MATH-GN]Mathematics [math]/General Topology [math.GN]
     author = {Bouziad, Ahmed},
     title = {Borel measures in consonant spaces},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1996},
     number = {0},
     year = {1996},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Bouziad, Ahmed. Borel measures in consonant spaces. HAL, Tome 1996 (1996) no. 0, .