Continuity of separately continuous group actions in p-spaces
Bouziad, Ahmed
HAL, hal-00373427 / Harvested from HAL
Let ƒ:X × Y → Z be a separately continuous mapping, where X is a Baire p-space and Z a completely regular space, and let y be a a q-point of Y. We show that: (i) ƒ is strongly quasicontinuous at each point of X × {y}, (ii) if Z is a p-space, then ƒ is subcontinuous at each point of A × {y}, where A is a dense subset of X. Then, we use (i) and (ii) to prove that every separately continuous action of a left topological group, which is a Baire p-space, in a p-space, is a continuous action. In particular, every semitopological group, which is a Baire p-space, has a continuous multiplication.
Publié le : 1996-07-05
Classification:  p-space,  q-space,  Separate continuity,  Group action,  Strong quasicontinuity,  Subcontinuity,  Semitopological group,  22A20; 54E18; 54H15,  [MATH.MATH-GN]Mathematics [math]/General Topology [math.GN]
     author = {Bouziad, Ahmed},
     title = {Continuity of separately continuous group actions in p-spaces},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1996},
     number = {0},
     year = {1996},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Bouziad, Ahmed. Continuity of separately continuous group actions in p-spaces. HAL, Tome 1996 (1996) no. 0, .