The hydrodynamic limit of the symmetric simple exclusion process with speed change is given by a diffusive equation in the appropriate scale. Following the non gradient method introduced by Varadhan and Navier-Stokes methods developped by Yau, we prove that in the same scale, the next order correction is given by a third order equation for dimension d > 2.
author = {Janvresse, Elise},
title = {First order correction for the hydrodynamic limit of symmetric simple exclusion processes with speed change in dimension d > 2},
journal = {HAL},
volume = {1998},
number = {0},
year = {1998},
language = {en},
url = {}
Janvresse, Elise. First order correction for the hydrodynamic limit of symmetric simple exclusion processes with speed change in dimension d > 2. HAL, Tome 1998 (1998) no. 0, .