Classes de Wadge potentielles et théorèmes d'uniformisation partielle
Lecomte, Dominique
HAL, hal-00175689 / Harvested from HAL
We want to give a construction as simple as possible of a Borel subset of a product of two Polish spaces. This introduces the notion of potential Wadge class. Among other things, we study the non-potentially closed sets, by proving Hurewicz-like results. This leads to partial uniformization theorems, on big sets, in the sense of cardinality or Baire category.
Publié le : 1993-07-05
Classification:  2000 MSC 03E15, 54H05,  [MATH.MATH-LO]Mathematics [math]/Logic [math.LO],  [MATH.MATH-GN]Mathematics [math]/General Topology [math.GN]
     author = {Lecomte, Dominique},
     title = {Classes de Wadge potentielles et th\'eor\`emes d'uniformisation partielle},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1993},
     number = {0},
     year = {1993},
     language = {fr},
     url = {}
Lecomte, Dominique. Classes de Wadge potentielles et théorèmes d'uniformisation partielle. HAL, Tome 1993 (1993) no. 0, .