Classification of p-adic 6-dimensional filiform Leibniz algebras by solutions of x q = a
Manuel Ladra ; Bakhrom Omirov ; Utkir Rozikov
Open Mathematics, Tome 11 (2013), p. 1083-1093 / Harvested from The Polish Digital Mathematics Library

We study the p-adic equation x q = a over the field of p-adic numbers. We construct an algorithm which gives a solvability criteria in the case of q = p m and present a computer program to compute the criteria for any fixed value of m ≤ p − 1. Moreover, using this solvability criteria for q = 2; 3; 4; 5; 6, we classify p-adic 6-dimensional filiform Leibniz algebras.

Publié le : 2013-01-01
EUDML-ID : urn:eudml:doc:269706
     author = {Manuel Ladra and Bakhrom Omirov and Utkir Rozikov},
     title = {Classification of p-adic 6-dimensional filiform Leibniz algebras by solutions of x q = a},
     journal = {Open Mathematics},
     volume = {11},
     year = {2013},
     pages = {1083-1093},
     zbl = {1272.17007},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Manuel Ladra; Bakhrom Omirov; Utkir Rozikov. Classification of p-adic 6-dimensional filiform Leibniz algebras by solutions of x q = a. Open Mathematics, Tome 11 (2013) pp. 1083-1093.

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