In 1970 C. W. Onneweer formulated a sufficient condition for a periodic W-continuous function to have a Walsh-Fourier series which converges uniformly to the function. In this paper we extend his results from single to double Walsh-Fourier series in a more general setting. We study the convergence of rectangular partial sums in -norm for some 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ over the unit square [0,1) × [0,1). In case p = ∞, by we mean , the collection of uniformly W-continuous functions f(x, y), endowed with the supremum norm. As special cases, we obtain the extensions of the Dini-Lipschitz test and the Dirichlet-Jordan test for double Walsh-Fourier series.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-smv102i3p225bwm, author = {Ferenc M\'oricz}, title = {On the uniform convergence and L$^1$-convergence of double Walsh-Fourier series}, journal = {Studia Mathematica}, volume = {103}, year = {1992}, pages = {225-237}, zbl = {0810.41026}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Móricz, Ferenc. On the uniform convergence and L¹-convergence of double Walsh-Fourier series. Studia Mathematica, Tome 103 (1992) pp. 225-237.
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