On the Implementation of Supersymmetry
Buchholz, Detlev
arXiv, 9812179 / Harvested from arXiv
The implementation of supersymmetry transformations by Hilbert space operators is discussed in the framework of supersymmetric C$^*$--dynamical systems. It is shown that the only states admitting such an implementation are pure supersymmetric ground states or mixtures and elementary excitations thereof. Faithful states, such as KMS--states, are never supersymmetric.
Publié le : 1998-12-20
Classification:  High Energy Physics - Theory,  Mathematical Physics
     author = {Buchholz, Detlev},
     title = {On the Implementation of Supersymmetry},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {1998},
     number = {0},
     year = {1998},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/9812179}
Buchholz, Detlev. On the Implementation of Supersymmetry. arXiv, Tome 1998 (1998) no. 0, . http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/9812179/