Some Problems Concerning Definitions in Mathematics and Physics - doi: 10.5269/bspm.v20i1-2.7520
Sant'Anna, Adonai S.
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Tome 23 (2009), / Harvested from Portal de Periódicos da UEM

Time is a concept that can be defined by means of other primitive concepts in some of the most important classical physical theories. In this paper we discuss about some problems associated to this result.

Publié le : 2009-01-01
     title = {Some Problems Concerning Definitions in Mathematics and Physics - doi: 10.5269/bspm.v20i1-2.7520},
     journal = {Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matem\'atica},
     volume = {23},
     year = {2009},
     doi = {10.5269/bspm.v20i1-2.7520},
     language = {EN},
     url = {}
Sant'Anna, Adonai S. Some Problems Concerning Definitions in Mathematics and Physics - doi: 10.5269/bspm.v20i1-2.7520. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Tome 23 (2009) . doi : 10.5269/bspm.v20i1-2.7520.