In this paper, we introduce the concept of generalized --Z-contractionmapping with respect to a simulation function in b-metric spaces and study theexistence of xed points for such mappings in complete b-metric spaces. Further,we extend it to partially ordered complete b-metric spaces. We provide examplesin support of our results. Our results extend the xed point results of Olgun,Bicer and Alyildiz [15].
@article{5964, title = {Fixed points in $b$-metric spaces via simulation function}, journal = {Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics}, volume = {46}, year = {2017}, language = {EN}, url = {} }
Dula, T. M.; Babu, G. V. R. Fixed points in $b$-metric spaces via simulation function. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Tome 46 (2017) .