Semigroups of order-preserving transformations have been extensively studied for finite chains. We study the monoid OP_N of all order-preserving partial transformations on the set N of natural numbers, where the partial order is a fence (also called zigzag poset). The monoid OP_N is not regular. In this paper, we determine particular maximal regular subsemigroups of OP_N and show that OP_N has infinitely many maximal regular subsemigroups
@article{5333, title = {Regular Semigroups of Partial Transformations Preserving a Fence N}, journal = {Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics}, volume = {46}, year = {2017}, language = {EN}, url = {} }
Koppitz, Jörg; Lohapan, Laddawan. Regular Semigroups of Partial Transformations Preserving a Fence N. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Tome 46 (2017) .