Arc-wise Essentially Tangentially Regular Set-valued Mappings and their Applications to Nonconvex Sweeping Process
Bounkhel, Messaoud
CUBO, A Mathematical Journal, Tome 10 (2008), / Harvested from Cubo, A Mathematical Journal

Recently, Borwein and Moors (1998) introduced a new class of tangentially regular sets in IRn (called arc-wise essentially smooth sets). They characterized the sets S of this class in terms of arc-wise essential smoothness of the distance function dS. Very recently, the author (2002) gave an appropriate extension of this class to any Banach space X and he extended the above characterization to any Banach space X with a uniformly Gˆateaux differentiable norm. In this paper we extend the concept of arc-wise essentially smooth sets to set-valued mappings C : [0, T]⇉X (T > 0) and we will use this concept to establish an important application to nonconvex sweeping process.

Publié le : 2008-03-01
     title = {Arc-wise Essentially Tangentially Regular Set-valued Mappings and their Applications to Nonconvex Sweeping Process},
     journal = {CUBO, A Mathematical Journal},
     volume = {10},
     year = {2008},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Bounkhel, Messaoud. Arc-wise Essentially Tangentially Regular Set-valued Mappings and their Applications to Nonconvex Sweeping Process. CUBO, A Mathematical Journal, Tome 10 (2008) .