Iterative Regularization Methods for a Discrete Inverse Problem in MRI
Leit˜ao, A. ; Zubelli, J.P.
CUBO, A Mathematical Journal, Tome 10 (2008), / Harvested from Cubo, A Mathematical Journal

We propose and investigate efficient numerical methods for inverse problems related to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Our goal is to extend the recent convergence results for the Landweber-Kaczmarz method obtained in [7], in order to derive a convergent iterative regularization method for an inverse problem in MRI.

Publié le : 2008-07-01
     title = {Iterative Regularization Methods for a Discrete Inverse Problem in MRI},
     journal = {CUBO, A Mathematical Journal},
     volume = {10},
     year = {2008},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Leit˜ao, A.; Zubelli, J.P. Iterative Regularization Methods for a Discrete Inverse Problem in MRI. CUBO, A Mathematical Journal, Tome 10 (2008) .