Twisted constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics and Kähler slope stability
Stoppa, Jacopo
J. Differential Geom., Tome 81 (2009) no. 2, p. 663-691 / Harvested from Project Euclid
On a compact Kähler manifold we introduce a cohomological obstruction to the solvability of the constant scalar curvature (cscK) equation twisted by a semipositive form, appearing in works of Fine and Song-Tian. ¶ As a special case we find an obstruction for a manifold to be the base of a holomorphic submersion carrying a cscK metric in certain “adiabatic” classes. We apply this to find new examples of general type threefolds with classes which do not admit a cscK representative. ¶ When the twist vanishes our obstruction extends the slope stability of Ross-Thomas to effective divisors on a Kähler manifold. Thus we find examples of non-projective slope unstable manifolds.
Publié le : 2009-11-15
     author = {Stoppa, Jacopo},
     title = {Twisted constant scalar curvature K\"ahler metrics and K\"ahler slope stability},
     journal = {J. Differential Geom.},
     volume = {81},
     number = {2},
     year = {2009},
     pages = { 663-691},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Stoppa, Jacopo. Twisted constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics and Kähler slope stability. J. Differential Geom., Tome 81 (2009) no. 2, pp.  663-691.