Aleksandrov operators as smoothing operators
Matheson, Alec L.
Illinois J. Math., Tome 45 (2001) no. 4, p. 981-998 / Harvested from Project Euclid
A holomorphic function $b$ mapping the unit disk $\disk$ into itself induces a family of measures $\tau_\alpha$, $|\alpha|=1$, on the unit circle $\circle$ by means of Herglotz's Theorem. This family of measures defines the Aleksandrov operator $A_b$ by means of the formula $A_b f(\alpha) = \int_\circle f(\zeta)\,d\tau_\alpha(\zeta)$, at least for continuous $f$. This operator preserves the smoothness classes determined by regular majorants, and is seen to be compact on these classes precisely when none of the measures $\tau_\alpha$ has an atomic part. In the process, a duality theorem for smoothness classes is proved, improving a result of Shields and Williams, and various theorems about composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces are extended to spaces arising from regular weights.
Publié le : 2001-07-15
Classification:  47B38,  30D45,  30D50
     author = {Matheson, Alec L.},
     title = {Aleksandrov operators as smoothing operators},
     journal = {Illinois J. Math.},
     volume = {45},
     number = {4},
     year = {2001},
     pages = { 981-998},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Matheson, Alec L. Aleksandrov operators as smoothing operators. Illinois J. Math., Tome 45 (2001) no. 4, pp.  981-998.