Intertwining relations and extended eigenvalues for analytic Toeplitz operators
Bourdon, Paul S. ; Shapiro, Joel H.
Illinois J. Math., Tome 52 (2008) no. 1, p. 1007-1030 / Harvested from Project Euclid
We study the intertwining relation XTφ=TψX where Tφ and Tψ are the Toeplitz operators induced on the Hardy space H2 by analytic functions φ and ψ, bounded on the open unit disc $\mathbb{U}$ , and X is a nonzero bounded linear operator on H2. Our work centers on the connection between intertwining and the image containment $\psi(\mathbb{U})\subset\varphi (\mathbb{U})$ , as well as on the nature of the intertwining operator X. We use our results to study the “extended eigenvalues” of analytic Toeplitz operators Tφ, i.e., the special case XTλφ=TφX, where λ is a complex number.
Publié le : 2008-05-15
Classification:  37B35,  47B33
     author = {Bourdon, Paul S. and Shapiro, Joel H.},
     title = {Intertwining relations and extended eigenvalues for analytic Toeplitz operators},
     journal = {Illinois J. Math.},
     volume = {52},
     number = {1},
     year = {2008},
     pages = { 1007-1030},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Bourdon, Paul S.; Shapiro, Joel H. Intertwining relations and extended eigenvalues for analytic Toeplitz operators. Illinois J. Math., Tome 52 (2008) no. 1, pp.  1007-1030.