Direct singularities and completely invariant domains of entire functions
Bergweiler, Walter ; Eremenko, Alexandre
Illinois J. Math., Tome 52 (2008) no. 1, p. 243-259 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Let f be a transcendental entire function which omits a point a∈ℂ. We show that if D is a simply connected domain which does not contain a, then the full preimage f−1(D) is disconnected. Thus, in dynamical context, if an entire function has a completely invariant domain and omits some value, then the omitted value belongs to the completely invariant domain. We conjecture that the same property holds if a is a locally omitted value (i.e., the projection of a direct singularity of f−1). We were able to prove this conjecture for entire functions of finite order. We include some auxiliary results on singularities of f−1 for entire functions f, which can be of independent interest.
Publié le : 2008-05-15
Classification:  30D20
     author = {Bergweiler, Walter and Eremenko, Alexandre},
     title = {Direct singularities and completely invariant domains of entire functions},
     journal = {Illinois J. Math.},
     volume = {52},
     number = {1},
     year = {2008},
     pages = { 243-259},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Bergweiler, Walter; Eremenko, Alexandre. Direct singularities and completely invariant domains of entire functions. Illinois J. Math., Tome 52 (2008) no. 1, pp.  243-259.