LAMN property for hidden processes: The case of integrated diffusions
Gloter, Arnaud ; Gobet, Emmanuel
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Tome 44 (2008) no. 2, p. 104-128 / Harvested from Project Euclid
In this paper we prove the Local Asymptotic Mixed Normality (LAMN) property for the statistical model given by the observation of local means of a diffusion process X. Our data are given by ∫01X(s+i)/n dμ(s) for i=0, …, n−1 and the unknown parameter appears in the diffusion coefficient of the process X only. Although the data are neither Markovian nor Gaussian we can write down, with help of Malliavin calculus, an explicit expression for the log-likelihood of the model, and then study the asymptotic expansion. We actually find that the asymptotic information of this model is the same one as for a usual discrete sampling of X.
Publié le : 2008-02-15
Classification:  Diffusion processes,  Parametric estimation,  LAMN property,  Malliavin calculus,  Non-Markovian data,  60F99,  60H07,  62F12,  62M09
     author = {Gloter, Arnaud and Gobet, Emmanuel},
     title = {LAMN property for hidden processes: The case of integrated diffusions},
     journal = {Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e Probab. Statist.},
     volume = {44},
     number = {2},
     year = {2008},
     pages = { 104-128},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Gloter, Arnaud; Gobet, Emmanuel. LAMN property for hidden processes: The case of integrated diffusions. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Tome 44 (2008) no. 2, pp.  104-128.