Almost Sure Approximation of the Robbins-Monro Process by Sums of Independent Random Variables
Kersting, Gotz
Ann. Probab., Tome 5 (1977) no. 6, p. 954-965 / Harvested from Project Euclid
It is shown in this paper that the sample paths of a Robbins-Monro process with harmonic coefficients may be approximated by weighted sums of independent, identically distributed random variables. A law of iterated logarithm and a weak invariance principle follow from this result.
Publié le : 1977-12-14
Classification:  Stochastic approximation,  approximation by independent random variables,  invariance principle,  60K99,  60G17,  60F05,  60F15
     author = {Kersting, Gotz},
     title = {Almost Sure Approximation of the Robbins-Monro Process by Sums of Independent Random Variables},
     journal = {Ann. Probab.},
     volume = {5},
     number = {6},
     year = {1977},
     pages = { 954-965},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Kersting, Gotz. Almost Sure Approximation of the Robbins-Monro Process by Sums of Independent Random Variables. Ann. Probab., Tome 5 (1977) no. 6, pp.  954-965.