The second term of the semi-classical asymptotic expansion for Feynman path integrals with integrand of polynomial growth
FUJIWARA, Daisuke ; KUMANO-GO, Naoto
J. Math. Soc. Japan, Tome 58 (2006) no. 3, p. 837-867 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Recently N. Kumano-go [15] succeeded in proving that piecewise linear time slicing approximation to Feynman path integral $$\int F(\gamma)e^{i\nu S(\gamma)}\mathscr{D}[\gamma]$$ actually converges to the limit as the mesh of division of time goes to $0$ if the functional $F(\gamma)$ of paths $\gamma$ belongs to a certain class of functionals, which includes, as a typical example, Stieltjes integral of the following form; $$F(\gamma) = \int_0^T f(t,\gamma(t)) \rho(dt), \qquad (1)$$ where $\rho(t)$ is a function of bounded variation and $f(t,x)$ is a sufficiently smooth function with polynomial growth as $|x| \to \infty$ . Moreover, he rigorously showed that the limit, which we call the Feynman path integral, has rich properties (see also [10]). ¶ The present paper has two aims. The first aim is to show that a large part of discussion in [15] becomes much simpler and clearer if one uses piecewise classical paths in place of piecewise linear paths. ¶ The second aim is to explain that the use of piecewise classical paths naturally leads us to an analytic formula for the second term of the semi-classical asymptotic expansion of the Feynman path integrals under a little stronger assumptions than that in [15]. If $F(\gamma)\equiv 1$ , this second term coincides with the one given by G. D. Birkhoff [1].
Publié le : 2006-07-14
Classification:  Feynman path integral,  Fourier integral operators,  stationary phase method,  quantum mechanics,  semi-classical limit,  81S40,  35A08,  35S30,  58D30,  81Q20
     author = {FUJIWARA, Daisuke and KUMANO-GO, Naoto},
     title = {The second term of the semi-classical asymptotic expansion for Feynman path integrals with integrand of polynomial growth},
     journal = {J. Math. Soc. Japan},
     volume = {58},
     number = {3},
     year = {2006},
     pages = { 837-867},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
FUJIWARA, Daisuke; KUMANO-GO, Naoto. The second term of the semi-classical asymptotic expansion for Feynman path integrals with integrand of polynomial growth. J. Math. Soc. Japan, Tome 58 (2006) no. 3, pp.  837-867.