On the Castelnuovo-Severi inequality for Riemann surfaces
Accola, Robert D. M.
Kodai Math. J., Tome 29 (2006) no. 1, p. 299-317 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Some consequences of equality in the Castelnuovo-Severi inequality are discussed. In particular, it is shown that if a Riemann surface of genus ten, W10, admits four coverings of tori, each in three sheets, then W10 admits an elementary abelian group of order 27. By previous work this last result is then characterized by the vanishing of certain thetanulls. An elementary discussion of the direct product of monodromy groups is an essential part of the proofs.
Publié le : 2006-06-14
     author = {Accola, Robert D. M.},
     title = {On the Castelnuovo-Severi inequality for Riemann surfaces},
     journal = {Kodai Math. J.},
     volume = {29},
     number = {1},
     year = {2006},
     pages = { 299-317},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/1151936443}
Accola, Robert D. M. On the Castelnuovo-Severi inequality for Riemann surfaces. Kodai Math. J., Tome 29 (2006) no. 1, pp.  299-317. http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/1151936443/