Schur algebras of reductive p-adic groups, I
Vignéras, Marie-France
Duke Math. J., Tome 120 (2003) no. 3, p. 35-75 / Harvested from Project Euclid
We give a link–through the affine Schur algebra–between the representations of the $p$-affine Schur algebra of ${\rm GL}(n)$ over $R$ and the smooth $R$-representations of the $p$-adic group ${\rm GL}(n,\mathbf {Q}\sb p)$ over any algebraically closed field $R$ of characteristic not equal to $p$.
Publié le : 2003-01-15
Classification:  22E50
     author = {Vign\'eras, Marie-France},
     title = {Schur algebras of reductive p-adic groups, I},
     journal = {Duke Math. J.},
     volume = {120},
     number = {3},
     year = {2003},
     pages = { 35-75},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Vignéras, Marie-France. Schur algebras of reductive p-adic groups, I. Duke Math. J., Tome 120 (2003) no. 3, pp.  35-75.