Percolation and contact processes with low-dimensional inhomogeneity
Newman, Charles M. ; Wu, C. Chris
Ann. Probab., Tome 25 (1997) no. 4, p. 1832-1845 / Harvested from Project Euclid
We consider inhomogeneous nearest neighbor Bernoulli bond percolation on $mathbb{Z}^d$ where the bonds in a fixed $s$-dimensional hyperplane $1\leq s\leq d-1)$ have density $p_1$ and all other bonds have fixed density, $p_c(\mathbb{Z}^d)$, the homogeneous percolation critical value. For $s\leq 2$, it is natural to conjecture that there is a new critical value, $p_c^s(\mathbb{Z}^d)$ for $p_1$, strictly between $p_c(\mathbb{Z}^d)$ and $p_c(\mathbb{Z}^s)$ ; we prove this for large $d$ and $2 \leq s \leq d-3$. For $s=1$, it is natural to conjecture that $p_c^1(\mathbb{Z}^d) =1$, as shown for $d =2$ by Zhang; we prove this for large $d$. Related results for the contact process are also presented.
Publié le : 1997-10-14
Classification:  Percolation,  contact process,  inhomogeneity,  60K35,  82B43
     author = {Newman, Charles M. and Wu, C. Chris},
     title = {Percolation and contact processes with low-dimensional
     journal = {Ann. Probab.},
     volume = {25},
     number = {4},
     year = {1997},
     pages = { 1832-1845},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Newman, Charles M.; Wu, C. Chris. Percolation and contact processes with low-dimensional
		 inhomogeneity. Ann. Probab., Tome 25 (1997) no. 4, pp.  1832-1845.