Error analysis of Adomian series solution to a class of nonlinear differential equations.
El-Kalla, Ibrahim L.
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only], Tome 7 (2007), p. 214-221 / Harvested from The Electronic Library of Mathematics
Publié le : 2007-01-01
EUDML-ID : urn:eudml:doc:55190
     title = {Error analysis of Adomian series solution to a class of nonlinear differential equations.},
     journal = {Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]},
     volume = {7},
     year = {2007},
     pages = {214-221},
     zbl = {1157.65422},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
El-Kalla, Ibrahim L. Error analysis of Adomian series solution to a class of nonlinear differential equations.. Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only], Tome 7 (2007) pp. 214-221.