The exact value of Jung constants in a class of Orlicz function spaces.
Yan, Y. Q.
Collectanea Mathematica, Tome 56 (2005), p. 253-263 / Harvested from Biblioteca Digital de Matemáticas

Let Φ be an N-function, then the Jung constants of the Orlicz function spaces LΦ[0,1] generated by Φ equipped with the Luxemburg and Orlicz norms have the exact value:

(i) If FΦ(t) = tφ(t)/Φ(t) is decreasing and 1 < CΦ < 2, then

JC(L(Φ)[0,1]) = JC(LΦ[0,1]) = 21/CΦ-1;

(ii) If FΦ(t) is increasing and CΦ > 2, then

JC(L(Φ)[0,1]) = JC(LΦ[0,1])=2-1/CΦ ,

where CΦ= limt→+∞ tφ(t)/Φ(t).

Publié le : 2005-01-01
DMLE-ID : 4313
     title = {The exact value of Jung constants in a class of Orlicz function spaces.},
     journal = {Collectanea Mathematica},
     volume = {56},
     year = {2005},
     pages = {253-263},
     zbl = {1102.46015},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Yan, Y. Q. The exact value of Jung constants in a class of Orlicz function spaces.. Collectanea Mathematica, Tome 56 (2005) pp. 253-263.