Regresión ortogonal y componentes principales.
Martínez Arnáiz, J. Alberto
Qüestiió, Tome 18 (1994), p. 285-296 / Harvested from Biblioteca Digital de Matemáticas

In this work the Principal Components Analysis is presented, starting from the orthogonal regression plane. On this basis, the data reduction technique is exposed in the three-dimensional case. Finally, the correlation matrix analysis is considered, as well as its extension to p dimensions.

Publié le : 1994-01-01
DMLE-ID : 3025
     title = {Regresi\'on ortogonal y componentes principales.},
     journal = {Q\"uestii\'o},
     volume = {18},
     year = {1994},
     pages = {285-296},
     zbl = {1167.62322},
     language = {es},
     url = {}
Martínez Arnáiz, J. Alberto. Regresión ortogonal y componentes principales.. Qüestiió, Tome 18 (1994) pp. 285-296.