Protecting micro-data by micro-aggregation: the experience in Eurostat.
Defays, Daniel
Qüestiió, Tome 21 (1997), p. 221-231 / Harvested from Biblioteca Digital de Matemáticas

A natural strategy to protect the confidentiality of individual data is to aggregate them at the lowest possible level. Some studies realised in Eurostat on this topic will be presented: properties of classifications in clusters of fixed sizes, micro-aggregation as a generic method to protect the confidentiality of individual data, application to the Community Innovation Survey. The work performed in Eurostat will be put in line with other projects conducted at European level on the topic of statistical confidentiality.

Publié le : 1997-01-01
DMLE-ID : 2831
     title = {Protecting micro-data by micro-aggregation: the experience in Eurostat.},
     journal = {Q\"uestii\'o},
     volume = {21},
     year = {1997},
     pages = {221-231},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Defays, Daniel. Protecting micro-data by micro-aggregation: the experience in Eurostat.. Qüestiió, Tome 21 (1997) pp. 221-231.