Exponential Asymptotics in a Singular Limit for n-Level Scattering Systems
Joye, Alain
HAL, hal-01233166 / Harvested from HAL
The singular limit $\epsilon\rightarrow 0$ of the S-matrix associated with the equation $i\epsilon d\psi(t)/dt=H(t)\psi(t)$ is considered, where the analytic generator $H(t)\in M_n(Ç)$ is such that its spectrum is real and nondegenerate for all $t\in{\bf R}$. Sufficient conditions allowing us to compute asymptotic formulas for the exponentially small off-diagonal elements of the S-matrix as $\epsilon\rightarrow 0$ are made explicit and a wide class of generators for which these conditions are verified is defined. These generators are obtained by means of generators whose spectrum exhibits eigenvalue crossings which are perturbed in such a way that these crossings turn into avoided crossings. The exponentially small asymptotic formulas which are derived are shown to be valid up to exponentially small relative error by means of a joint application of the complex Wentzel--Kramers--Brillouin (WKB) method together with superasymptotic renormalization. This paper concludes with the application of these results to the study of quantum adiabatic transitions in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and of the semiclassical scattering properties of the multichannel stationary Schrödinger equation. The results presented here are a generalization to n-level systems, $n\geq 2$, of results previously known for two-level systems only.
Publié le : 1997-05-04
Classification:  [MATH]Mathematics [math]
     author = {Joye, Alain},
     title = {Exponential Asymptotics in a Singular Limit for n-Level Scattering Systems},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1997},
     number = {0},
     year = {1997},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/hal-01233166}
Joye, Alain. Exponential Asymptotics in a Singular Limit for n-Level Scattering Systems. HAL, Tome 1997 (1997) no. 0, . http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/hal-01233166/