Non-Abelian geometric effect in quantum adiabatic transitions
Joye, Alain ; Pfister, Charles-Edouard
HAL, hal-01221147 / Harvested from HAL
We establish a formula for the probability of a quantum adiabatic transition between two permanently degenerate energy levels which do not cross. This formula corresponds to the non-Abelian generalization of the Landau-Dykhne formula that is valid for the nondegenerate case. It applies in particular in cases of symmetry-induced degeneracy, a typical example being the Kramer degeneracy.
Publié le : 1993-10-04
Classification:  [MATH.MATH-MP]Mathematics [math]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph]
     author = {Joye, Alain and Pfister, Charles-Edouard},
     title = {Non-Abelian geometric effect in quantum adiabatic transitions},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1993},
     number = {0},
     year = {1993},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Joye, Alain; Pfister, Charles-Edouard. Non-Abelian geometric effect in quantum adiabatic transitions. HAL, Tome 1993 (1993) no. 0, .