The greatest square free factor of a binary recursive sequence
Shorey, Tarlok Nath
HAL, hal-01104239 / Harvested from HAL
If $\Delta_{m,n}$ denotes the quotient $[u_m,v_n]/(u_m,v_n)$ of the lcm by the gcd, we obtain in this paper a lower bound for the greatest square-free factor $Q[\Delta_{m,n}]$ of $\Delta_{m,n}$ when $u_h=v_h, m>n$ (and $u_n\neq0$); this implies a lower bound for $\log Q[u_n]$ of the form $C(\log m)^2(\log\log m)^{-1}$, thereby improving on an earlier result of C. L. Stewart.
Publié le : 1983-07-04
Classification:  greatest prime factor,  binary recursive sequence,  greatest square-free factor,  [MATH]Mathematics [math]
     author = {Shorey, Tarlok Nath},
     title = {The greatest square free factor of a binary recursive sequence},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1983},
     number = {0},
     year = {1983},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Shorey, Tarlok Nath. The greatest square free factor of a binary recursive sequence. HAL, Tome 1983 (1983) no. 0, .