Sparse Permutations with Low Differential Uniformity
Charpin, Pascale ; Kyureghyan, Gohar ; Suder, Valentin
HAL, hal-01100190 / Harvested from HAL
National audience
Publié le : 2014-03-24
Classification:  [INFO.INFO-CR]Computer Science [cs]/Cryptography and Security [cs.CR],  [MATH.MATH-IT]Mathematics [math]/Information Theory [math.IT]
     author = {Charpin, Pascale and Kyureghyan, Gohar and Suder, Valentin},
     title = {Sparse Permutations with Low Differential Uniformity},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {2014},
     number = {0},
     year = {2014},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Charpin, Pascale; Kyureghyan, Gohar; Suder, Valentin. Sparse Permutations with Low Differential Uniformity. HAL, Tome 2014 (2014) no. 0, .