Nonlinear Interpolation and Total Variation Diminishing Schemes
Dubois, François
HAL, hal-00493555 / Harvested from HAL
The Van Leer approach for the approximation of nonlinear scalar conservation laws is studied in one space dimension. The problem can be reduced to a nonlinear interpolation and we propose a convexity property for the interpolated values. We prove that under general hypotheses the method of lines in well posed in $\ ell^{\infty} \cap {\rm BV} $ and we give precise sufficient conditions to establish that the total variation is diminishing. We observe that the second order accuracy can be maintained even at non sonic extrema. We establish also that both the TVD property and second order accuracy can be maintained after discretization in time with the second order accurate Heun scheme. Numerical illustration for the advection equation is presented.
Publié le : 1990-06-06
Classification:  total variation,  nonlinear interpolation,  finite differences,  total variation.,  65M05, 65M10, 65M20.,  [MATH.MATH-NA]Mathematics [math]/Numerical Analysis [math.NA]
     author = {Dubois, Fran\c cois},
     title = {Nonlinear Interpolation and Total Variation Diminishing Schemes},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1990},
     number = {0},
     year = {1990},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Dubois, François. Nonlinear Interpolation and Total Variation Diminishing Schemes. HAL, Tome 1990 (1990) no. 0, .