Actions, Wreath Products of C-varieties and Concatenation Product
Chaubard, Laura ; Pin, Jean-Eric ; Straubing, Howard
HAL, hal-00112843 / Harvested from HAL
The framework of C-varieties, introduced by the third author, extends the scope of Eilenberg's variety theory to new classes of languages. In this paper, we first define C-varieties of actions, which are closely related to automata, and prove their equivalence with the original definition of C-varieties of stamps. Next, we complete the study of the wreath product initiated by Ésik and Ito by extending its definition to C-varieties in two different ways, which are proved to be equivalent. We also state an extension of the wreath product principle, a standard tool of language theory. Finally, our main result generalizes to C-varieties the algebraic characterization of the closure under product of a variety of languages.
Publié le : 2006-07-05
Classification:  Action,  Wreath product,  C-varieties,  Concatenation product,  regular language,  MR 68Q70 (20M05 20M07 20M35),  [INFO.INFO-OH]Computer Science [cs]/Other [cs.OH],  [INFO.INFO-DM]Computer Science [cs]/Discrete Mathematics [cs.DM],  [MATH.MATH-GR]Mathematics [math]/Group Theory [math.GR]
     author = {Chaubard, Laura and Pin, Jean-Eric and Straubing, Howard},
     title = {Actions, Wreath Products of C-varieties and Concatenation Product},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {2006},
     number = {0},
     year = {2006},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Chaubard, Laura; Pin, Jean-Eric; Straubing, Howard. Actions, Wreath Products of C-varieties and Concatenation Product. HAL, Tome 2006 (2006) no. 0, .