Expertises : procédures statistiques d'aide à la décision
Morel, Guy
HAL, hal-00019718 / Harvested from HAL
In this study, we introduce a new approach to statistical decision theory. Without using a loss function, we select good decision rules to choice between two hypotheses. We call them "experts". They are globally unbiased but also conditionally unbiased on a family of events. We do not try to define the best expert. We define a probability distribution on the space of "experts". The measure of evidence for a hypothesis is the inductive probability of experts that decide this hypothesis, we call this measure: a "vote". We compare this point of view with the p-values. For some family of hypotheses, the "votes" can define a probability on the space of parameters. We compare these results with the Bayes posterior distributions. We study in detail real-parameter families of distributions with monotone likelihood ratio and multiparameter exponential families.
Publié le : 1997-07-05
Classification:  théorie de la décision,  test,  Neyman-Pearson,  Bol'shev,  hypothèses unilatérales et bilatérales,  p-value,  distribution a posteriori,  rapport de vraisemblance monotone,  modèle exponentiel,  62A, 62C, 62f, 62P,  [MATH.MATH-ST]Mathematics [math]/Statistics [math.ST]
     author = {Morel, Guy},
     title = {Expertises : proc\'edures statistiques d'aide \`a la d\'ecision},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1997},
     number = {0},
     year = {1997},
     language = {fr},
     url = {}
Morel, Guy. Expertises : procédures statistiques d'aide à la décision. HAL, Tome 1997 (1997) no. 0, .