Restricted injectivity, transfer property and decompositions of separative positively ordered monoids
Wehrung, Friedrich
HAL, hal-00004694 / Harvested from HAL
We introduce a notion of separativity for positively ordered monoids (POMs), similar in definition to the notion of separativity for commutative semigroups but which has a simple categorical equivalent, weaker that injectivity, the transfer property. We show that existence in a separative extension of the ground POM of a solution of a given linear system is equivalent to the satisfaction by the ground POM of a certain set of equations and inequalities, the resolvent. We deduce in particular a characterization of the POMs that are injective relatively to the class of embeddings of countable POMs; those include in particular divisible weak cardinal algebras. We also deduce that finitely additive positive non-standard measures invariant relatively to a given exponentially bounded group separate equidecomposability types modulo this group.
Publié le : 1994-07-05
Classification:  injectivity,  systems of equations and inequalities,  Commutative monoid,  positively ordered monoid,  separativity,  transfer property,  06F05, 20M14, 08B25, 08B30,  [MATH.MATH-GM]Mathematics [math]/General Mathematics [math.GM]
     author = {Wehrung, Friedrich},
     title = {Restricted injectivity, transfer property and decompositions of separative positively ordered monoids},
     journal = {HAL},
     volume = {1994},
     number = {0},
     year = {1994},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Wehrung, Friedrich. Restricted injectivity, transfer property and decompositions of separative positively ordered monoids. HAL, Tome 1994 (1994) no. 0, .