Initial value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are solved numerically by using a combination of (a) the θ-method, (b) the sequential splitting procedure and (c) Richardson Extrapolation. Stability results for the combined numerical method are proved. It is shown, by using numerical experiments, that if the combined numerical method is stable, then it behaves as a second-order method.
@article{bwmeta1.element.doi-10_2478_s11533-011-0099-7, author = {Zahari Zlatev and Istv\'an Farag\'o and \'Agnes Havasi}, title = {Richardson Extrapolation combined with the sequential splitting procedure and the $\theta$-method}, journal = {Open Mathematics}, volume = {10}, year = {2012}, pages = {159-172}, zbl = {1250.65097}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Zahari Zlatev; István Faragó; Ágnes Havasi. Richardson Extrapolation combined with the sequential splitting procedure and the θ-method. Open Mathematics, Tome 10 (2012) pp. 159-172.
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