In this paper, the variety of closure n-valued Łukasiewicz algebras, that is, Łukasiewicz algebras of order n endowed with a closure operator, is investigated. The lattice of subvarieties in the particular case in which the open elements form a three-valued Heyting algebra is obtained.
@article{bwmeta1.element.doi-10_2478_BF02479197, author = {Abad Manuel and Cimadamore Cecilia and D\'\i az Varela Jos\'e and Rueda Laura and Suard\'\i az Ana}, title = {Closure \L ukasiewicz algebras}, journal = {Open Mathematics}, volume = {3}, year = {2005}, pages = {215-227}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Abad Manuel; Cimadamore Cecilia; Díaz Varela José; Rueda Laura; Suardíaz Ana. Closure Łukasiewicz algebras. Open Mathematics, Tome 3 (2005) pp. 215-227.
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