In this paper, we study positive stability and D-stability of P-matrices.We introduce the property of Dθ-stability, i.e., the stability with respect to a given order θ. For an n × n P-matrix A, we prove a new criterion of D-stability and Dθ-stability, based on the properties of matrix scalings.
@article{bwmeta1.element.doi-10_1515_spma-2016-0017, author = {Olga Y. Kushel}, title = {On a criterion of D-stability for P-matrices}, journal = {Special Matrices}, volume = {4}, year = {2016}, pages = {181-188}, zbl = {1338.15017}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Olga Y. Kushel. On a criterion of D-stability for P-matrices. Special Matrices, Tome 4 (2016) pp. 181-188.
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