In BL-algebras we introduce the concept of generalized co-annihilators as a generalization of coannihilator and the set of the form x-1F where F is a filter, and study basic properties of generalized co-annihilators. We also introduce the notion of involutory filters relative to a filter F and prove that the set of all involutory filters relative to a filter with respect to the suit operations is a complete Boolean lattice and BL-algebra. We use the technology of generalized co-annihilators to give characterizations of prime filters and minimal prime filters, respectively. In particular, we give a representation of co-annihilators in the quotient algebra of a BL-algebra L via a filter F by means of generalized co-annihilators relative to F in L:
@article{bwmeta1.element.doi-10_1515_math-2015-0060, author = {Biao Long Meng and Xiao Long Xin}, title = {Generalized co-annihilator of BL-algebras}, journal = {Open Mathematics}, volume = {13}, year = {2015}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Biao Long Meng; Xiao Long Xin. Generalized co-annihilator of BL-algebras. Open Mathematics, Tome 13 (2015) .
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