The arithmetic function ρ(n) counts the number of ways to write a positive integer n as a difference of two squares. Its average size is described by the Dirichlet summatory function Σn≤x ρ(n), and in particular by the error term R(x) in the corresponding asymptotics. This article provides a sharp lower bound as well as two mean-square results for R(x), which illustrates the close connection between ρ(n) and the number-of-divisors function d(n).
@article{bwmeta1.element.doi-10_1007_s11533-005-0007-0, author = {Manfred K\"uhleitner and Werner Nowak}, title = {On differences of two squares}, journal = {Open Mathematics}, volume = {4}, year = {2006}, pages = {110-122}, zbl = {1146.11048}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Manfred Kühleitner; Werner Nowak. On differences of two squares. Open Mathematics, Tome 4 (2006) pp. 110-122.
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