Let and be domains and let Φ:G → B be a surjective holomorphic mapping. We characterize some cases in which invariant functions and pseudometrics on G can be effectively expressed in terms of the corresponding functions and pseudometrics on B.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-smv135i3p219bwm, author = {Marek Jarnicki and Peter Pflug}, title = {New examples of effective formulas for holomorphically contractible functions}, journal = {Studia Mathematica}, volume = {133}, year = {1999}, pages = {219-230}, zbl = {0953.32012}, language = {en}, url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-smv135i3p219bwm} }
Jarnicki, Marek; Pflug, Peter. New examples of effective formulas for holomorphically contractible functions. Studia Mathematica, Tome 133 (1999) pp. 219-230. http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-smv135i3p219bwm/
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