For a dynamical system (X,T,μ), we investigate the connections between a metric invariant, the rank r(T), and a spectral invariant, the maximal multiplicity m(T). We build examples of systems for which the pair (m(T),r(T)) takes values (m,m) for any integer m ≥ 1 or (p-1, p) for any prime number p ≥ 3.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-smv102i2p121bwm, author = {S\'ebastien Ferenczi and Jan Kwiatkowski}, title = {Rank and spectral multiplicity}, journal = {Studia Mathematica}, volume = {103}, year = {1992}, pages = {121-144}, zbl = {0809.28013}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Ferenczi, Sébastien; Kwiatkowski, Jan. Rank and spectral multiplicity. Studia Mathematica, Tome 103 (1992) pp. 121-144.
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