In this paper, we prove an existence theorem for the pseudo-non-local Cauchy problem , x₀(t₀) = x₀ - g(x), where A is the infinitesimal generator of a C₀ semigroup of operator on a Banach space. The functions f,g are weakly-weakly sequentially continuous and the integral is taken in the sense of Pettis.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-doi-10_7151_dmdico_1055, author = {Piotr Majcher and Magdalena Roszak}, title = {On the semilinear integro-differential nonlocal Cauchy problem}, journal = {Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization}, volume = {25}, year = {2005}, pages = {5-18}, zbl = {1111.45010}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Piotr Majcher; Magdalena Roszak. On the semilinear integro-differential nonlocal Cauchy problem. Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization, Tome 25 (2005) pp. 5-18.
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