Endomorphism algebras of exceptional sequences over path algebras of type A˜n
Assem, Ibrahim ; Zhang, Yingbo
Colloquium Mathematicae, Tome 78 (1998), p. 271-292 / Harvested from The Polish Digital Mathematics Library
Publié le : 1998-01-01
EUDML-ID : urn:eudml:doc:210590
     author = {Ibrahim Assem and Yingbo Zhang},
     title = {Endomorphism algebras of exceptional sequences over path algebras of type $\widetilde{A}\_{n}$
     journal = {Colloquium Mathematicae},
     volume = {78},
     year = {1998},
     pages = {271-292},
     zbl = {0909.16010},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-cmv77z2p271bwm}
Assem, Ibrahim; Zhang, Yingbo. Endomorphism algebras of exceptional sequences over path algebras of type $\widetilde{A}_{n}$
            . Colloquium Mathematicae, Tome 78 (1998) pp. 271-292. http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-cmv77z2p271bwm/

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