In Example 1, we describe a subset X of the plane and a function on X which has a -extension to the whole for each finite, but has no -extension to . In Example 2, we construct a similar example of a subanalytic subset of ; much more sophisticated than the first one. The dimensions given here are smallest possible.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-bcpv44i1p183bwm, author = {Paw\l ucki, Wies\l aw}, title = {Examples of functions $^$-extendable for each finite, but not $^$\infty$$-extendable}, journal = {Banach Center Publications}, volume = {43}, year = {1998}, pages = {183-187}, zbl = {0945.32002}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Pawłucki, Wiesław. Examples of functions $^$-extendable for each finite, but not $^∞$-extendable. Banach Center Publications, Tome 43 (1998) pp. 183-187.
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